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The Zarrow Shuffle is the ultimate false riffle shuffle. Now Herb Zarrow explains the details and secret techniques that make the Zarrow Shuffle undetectable. No matter how many riffle shuffles you give the deck, you maintain complete control of all the cards. The Zarrow Shuffle is the most deceptive false shuffle ever created and one of the few sleights that was instantly adopted not only by top card workers but also by professional card sharpers. Persi Diaconis in his introduction to Dai Vernon's Revelations wrote: "Zarrow's shuffle may very well be the single most important practical card move invented since Erdnase. This is the first time that Herb Zarrow, the inventor of the shuffle, has revealed these handlings, variations and presentations using the shuffle. Most of the material on this tape has never been available before, including many fine points and applications that have been held back for more than 40 years. Learn from the only authorized video on the subject taught by Herb Zarrow, the man who invented it all. Shuffle techniques taught: Routines and applications taught: