Greater Magic Volume 20 - Impromptu Magic Vol.1 - DVD

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"After three years of working with some of magic's premier artists in the 'Greater Magic Video Library,' I'm excited to share with you the release of what I feel is the strongest collection of magic effects ever produced on DVD. These are the effects the pros use when someone says 'show me a trick', and often times that someone is the person who is paying the bill. These effects will appeal to magicians of all skill levels. I know you'll enjoy the DVD."
- Gene Rump,Producer/Host of the Greater Magic Video Library

A collection of magic's finest
  • Mike Ammar - Coins
  • Larry Becker - Heads or Tails
  • Eugene Burger -Voodoo
  • John Carney -Coin in Glass
  • Daryl -Two Quarters
  • Karrell Fox -Jumping Jacks
  • Roger Klause -Cigarette Vanish
  • Johnny Paul -Matches
  • Shimada - Watch Vanish
  • Charlie Miller -Ring on Pencil
  • Michael Weber -William Tell Match
  • Jay Marshall -Coin Rolls & Sleeving
Running Time Approximately 49min

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