The performer explains to the spectator how much he likes to travel, so they are going to make a mind trip to an unknown location in the world.
The performer says: "you know, in one of my trips I met someone incredible, she lives in the UK and is a psychic. She has the amazing ability to remote view. Would you like to make an experiment?"
The performer opens his wallet, takes out a business card and hands out the card to the spectator saying: "here you have her phone number, I told her that I was going to have show today and asked if she could help me. She is very busy today, but she told me that I could text message her."
"I have some post cards of previous trips with me. Would you please select ANY destination? Do not let me influence you in any way. I want your choice to be as fair as possible, and you can change your mind if you want."
The spectator chooses one of the postcards, let's say "Greece".
The performer, takes out his cell phone and asks the spectator to text the psychic. The spectator text messages the psychic number, asks which destination was chosen. A Few moments later the psychic replies back with the spectators selected destination.
This is an incredible self working system that you can carry always with you.
In order to perform the effect your mobile phone/operator must be able to allow you to send/receive text messages from a UK or US number. If you are unsure please check with your mobile operator.